Our Delivery Methodology
Our Programs
Team Building
Motivational Event
Designed primarily to improve team performance, solve issues and boost morale, our team building and motivational events can guarantee smooth mergers of companies or departments, a warm and easy welcome of new employees into the team, or create an even stronger bond between existing team members.
Corporate Value
Through customized event programs and highly skilled master trainers, our corporate value implementation events facilitate the for the corporate staff the adoption and implementation of said values seamlessly as well as the ownership of them hence creating harmony.
Practical Corporate
Problem Solving
Problems arise in every entity due to the fact that different people from different backgrounds come together to work closely with each other. This could create – on occasion – friction, stress and resistance. At Adrenalin Experience, we customized a program that helps staff members at different hierarchy levels gain fresh perspective and get creative in solving problems with effective, out-of-the-box solutions.
Market & Strategy
We create game-based programs to teach your employees the market dynamics, strategies and competition behavior. Such programs help in showcasing the real challenges that any company might face in any given market, while allowing the employees to practically engage with such challenges and find creative ways to overcome them within the context of the game that simulates real life market dynamics. It also helps the employees see how a company’s values come into play in such situations, hence instilling them within the staff and creating a great work culture.
Practical Soft
Skill training
At Adrenaline Experience, we have designed an array of programs for practical and soft skills training to cover the entire spectrum of needs that any corporation would require to achieve optimum performance. Our programs utilize various activities to deliver any said training topic, ensuring the engagement of the trainees in a manner that guarantees the full comprehension of required information through learning by doing.
Stemming from our understanding of the different needs and requirements of each one of our clients, we present you with the option of creating tailored programs that perfectly suit you needs, address your desired objectives and fit any number of participants involved. Not only that, all of our activities are fully mobile and portable, which allows us to hold any of your events at the venue of your choice including any of our activities that you deem relevant to the program designed especially for you.
Our Master Trainers
Adrenalin uses the best master trainers in the market. We choose the suitable master trainer suitable for your solution.
Hesham El Zeini
- Sales Distribution & Strategic thinking
- People & Performance Management
- Leadership & Empowerment Training Program
Yasser Shaker
- Team Building & Presentation Skills
- Creativity & Mind Mapping
- Communication Skill , Experiential Learning
Yasser Shaker is an author, leader in the science of optimism & positive psychology, wellness expert and founder of Optimistic Spark Center who specializes in leveraging optimism to improve personal & professional performance.
Yasser spent more than 10 years as an author, researcher, public speaker, emotional intelligence certified corporate and executive trainer helped managers and their teams succeed by embracing the power of positivity. He knows firsthand how great an impact optimism can have – on individuals, on the overall workplace, and ultimately on the bottom line
Samer Hamdy
- Customer Services, Self Development
- Human Resources,Workplace Management,
- Supply Chain,Corporate Governance Modeling
Building Your Solution
and strong business impact. The six steps include: